newbie guide

newbie area guide

Here you'll find directions to a few areas to get you started. Please keep in mind that you can only type "home" to return to Midgaard between levels 1 and 9. It's highly recommended that you buy recall scrolls from the Magic Shop to get back into town once you reach level 10.

The Donation Room
Directions: 2nw (2 north, 1 west of Market Square -- or 1 west of Temple of Midgaard)
While not an area, you should go here first if you haven't already. The Donation Room often has a bunch of equipment donated by other players. Type "list all" once you're there to see what's available.
The Training Ground
Directions: 3s (3 south from Market Square)
The Training Ground is where you should go to gain your first few levels. Start out with dragonflies and mice, then try prairie dogs and porcupines once you've got a level or two into you. A guardian wanders around this area and will often heal you if you're in the same room as her.
The Midgaard Zoo
Directions: 4w8s (4 west, 8 south from Market Square)
This is a great place to earn experience until level 7 or so. You'll find plenty of creatures to kill here, but be sure to use the "consider" command to compare your level with the creature (for example, "con parrot"). Be careful though, a few creatures in this area are 'aggressive', meaning they can attack you automatically.
The Griffon Village
Directions: 7ws (7 west, 1 south from Market Square)
This is another good place to earn experience at lower levels, but watch out for The Griffon Captain, he's tough. This is also a decent place to get your alignment back to 'saintly' if your gear gets zapped off (you'll understand when it happens.)
Fire Newt Caves
Directions: 7e2se2se3sd (from Market Square, see above examples)
You'll probably spend a fair bit of times in the Fire Newt Caves, it's one of the best places to earn experience between level 10 and 25, depending on the character. It would be wise to start with the sleeping newt workers and guards first (located 1 more down and 1 south) before venturing much further into the area. Further down in the caves you'll find some aggressive newts and useful items, so keep an eye out and read the descriptions. Happy exploring!
The Manor Grounds
Directions: 7wn
While this isn't a good area for experience, killing the dogs and guards works far better than The Griffon Village for raising your alignment back to saintly.